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Edenderry Primary School, Portadown, Craigavon

November Play in the ASC πŸ‚πŸŒ³

4th Dec 2023

We have been exploring lots of sensory play this month and changing dry materials by adding liquids or heat to create totally new substances.

🌟We have been planting Spring bulbs in crumbly soil, turning the soil wet and sticky as we watered them.

🌟We worked hard at manipulating firm, cold clay into smooth, soft hedgehog creations using the heat from our hands and rubbing motion to smooth the cracks and decorating them with foraged twigs from our forest.

🌟We mixed lots of ingredients together and watched as heat baked wheaten bread for the Little Red Hen and her friends - it was so tasty πŸ˜‹

🌟We made homemade Friendship dough from mainly flour, salt and water and watched it transform as we kneaded it and added water. We gave it to each other as a Thanksgiving gift πŸ’

🎨 The Artist we studied this month was Piet Mondrian. We used block colours with lines to create interesting creating shapes and patterns. 

We have also been getting outside lots in our outdoor gear and wellies and exploring the forest (see other photo albumsπŸŒ³πŸπŸ‚). 

This is month completed our topic on Autumn / Harvest.  Next up is Our Winter topic and lots of Christmas fun! Stay tuned πŸŽ…πŸ»