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Edenderry Primary School, Portadown, Craigavon

Edenderry Primary School PTA - Easter Update

13th Mar 2024

Summary of PTA meeting held on Tuesday 12th March

The newly established PTA met for the second time on Tuesday 12th March and we have already made fantastic progress. As agreed last night we have already in place a disco/movie event for the last week of the Spring term.

The end of term disco/movie day to be held on Tuesday 26th of March. Tickets to be sold for this event from Tuesday 19th at a cost of £2 per child. This will include a small treat bag and drink. Miss Wilson kindly agreed to sort tickets and a small amount of PTA members  will be on hand to help during this time.

Uniform Swap shop - We are hoping to hold a uniform swap shop at the end of each term. The first of these will be between 10 am and 12 pm on Wednesday 10th April.  PTA members will help set up for this on the afternoon of Wednesday 27th of March, after children finish half day. Any donations should be laundered and placed in the donation boxes in the school foyer from Monday 25th March. All donations to be made by the morning of 27th of March.  All items will be £1 per item and money raised will be donated to one of the schools chosen charities. 

Future Events

We are hoping to organise and end of year fun day to include inflatables and different activities for children to take part in. We also hope to have a couple of different things organised for P7 leavers, this to include the Big P7 picnic and P7 leavers hoodies.

Other events/ideas were discussed at the meeting and these will follow at a later date.