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Edenderry Primary School, Portadown, Craigavon

News - Primary 1

6th Sep 2024
A very successful first week of P1, thanks to our wonderful P7 Buddies. P7...

2023/2024 School Year

24th Jun 2024
Time to release the butterflies that we grew in our classroom butterfly garden 🐛🦋
24th Jun 2024
What a blast we had on Friday at our PTA end of year Carnival Fun Day! Smiles all...
21st Jun 2024
We have really enjoyed learning about the life cycle of butterflies and we have been...
17th Jun 2024
A few weeks ago, 5 little caterpillars arrived in our P1 classroom. We have been...
4th Jun 2024
Unfortunately the rain hampered our P1 and P2 sports day and we had to postpone after...
24th May 2024
After learning all about the farm in the past few weeks in school, we had such a...
24th May 2024
We’ve had a super day of learning and fun at the farm! We loved getting to...
22nd May 2024
P1 had a super fun day celebrating numbers! We had Kahoot quizzes, we made number...